Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kinder Awards Ceremony

This is my Skyla's first awards ceremony. I wish they would've had a graduation ceremony :( But this was still fun for me and my hunny. Ally received an award for The Book It Club, NO tardies for the entire year, and of course, her Kindergarden Certificate. We are so proud of our little darling. This year she got tested for the GT program and she passed her test!! I pray that she always do good in school.

I learned that now a days, kids can graduate from high school with about 60hrs of college? That would be a junior! OMG, all of it without the parents having to pay extra! College books alone are super expensive! I will always encourage our children to do better. It will all be worth it in the end.

Way to go Mamas! I know you will do great in 1st grade. Meanwhile, enjoy your "alot of days of summer" (as she says)


Sal said...

no workey!

Adriana Sujey said...

@Sal...I was half asleep when I posted this last night. So much that this morning I wondered "What did I do last night?" (Blog wise)Funny, anyways, I believe it is now working :)