Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Princess Tea Pool Party

Today is my nieces birthday. Her name is Carla Nicole and she turned 5 years old. My sister said she couldn't wait to be 5. She had a fun party in Mcallen, at her grandparents house. I wish I could post pictures tonight, but I can't. I left my dead battery charging on my sister's charger over in Mcallen. Darn!! Anyways, my niece wanted for all the girls to wear a dress and a hat. Which we all listened. It was fun to see everyone dressed up! After some pictures, we jumped into the "piscina." The water was P-E-R-F-E-C-T! Although Ally and Adrian didn't let me enjoy it much. It's ok, I'll remember how they were a little afraid. Afterwards we dried up, changed, and ate. Mmmm, my sister's father in law makes some MEAN fajitas. I have to say, they are some of the bestest fajitas I have had :D (Don't get babe! :P) The kiddos ate Pizza :) I love my sister and niece and nephew. Have I told mentioned she lives in Virginia? Well, she does, but she is down for about 2 weeks.

Adrian and Sebastian looked so cute running around playing. When Sebastian would run away, Adrian would run after him. Adrian would be yelling B-A-A-A-B-Y-Y-Y-! And Adrian is 3 months younger! Can't wait to get together again.

On the way back home Ally said "But mommy, at a tea party your supposed to drink tea from a little tea pot in the little cups." I already forgot what I answered her, but she made us laugh. :)


1 comment:

Sal said...

hey, i'm with Ally. When you said you were going to a tea party that is exactly what i was thinking. sorta like in Just Like Heaven.... with hats.