Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What would you have done?

The scenario is: I went to an informative meeting about cancer at a hospital . Speaker: A doctor and a professor in Fort Worth. Through out the meeting, he uses these HUMONGOUS medical terms. They went right over my head! After a while, I totally just tuned out and began to make some notes for work. An hour later, meeting is over, and now time for the evaluation. Usual evaluations for these meetings ask if the speaker knew what he/she was talking about, did you learn, etc... WELL, this evaluation began by giving me a scenario of a sick patient and the treatment plan. It then asked if I agreed with the scenario. I was like"OMG!" "How am I supposed to know?" I said to myself, "Big Deal, I will ini-mini-myni-mo." "This is not asking me for my name or anything." I flipped the page, and tan tannn tannnn.... It's asking for ALL my info!! I kinda went into panic mode. Simple, I figured, I just wont turn it in and pass up on the credit I could have claimed.

I put my stuff away and begin to walk out. Low and behold, the ladies are at the exit picking up the evaluations!! I couldn't lie to them... so I immediately looked around for an alternative exit. I found one, so I took it, and found myself trapped in a construction zone! Three doors in that area, door #1 closed, door #2 covered with the plastic and warning signs, door #3.....I thought to myself, "please be safe!" I took a peak, and it looked like the lobby of the hospital... YESSSS, it was! Boy was I proud of myself and happy because I was able to escape! The mini-ordeal was over.

I bumped into some friends, and even they were wondering what was up with the huge smile on my face. So I told them, and they told me what they would have done. They said they would have put Jane Doe as their name. Duh! Why didn't I think of that? What would you have done?


Sal said...

lol... i think i would have handed it in blank. were they checking it as you turned it in? fake name is good too.

but thats funny. you cant take yourself anywhere!!

and i like the popup comments :)

juan said...

so funny, lol, I would of prolly confessed & turned it in.Blank like J said, too funny your like in slo mo mode looking for an exit. I wonder what you were doodling

LUCY said...

Well I wouldn't have done all that thinking thats for sure LOL. I would have simple walked out with my phone on my ear or something :)

Adriana Sujey said...

I just assumed they were checking them. I like LUcy's phone idea!!
@ JD1021... LOL, I was in slow mo!!