Friday, September 12, 2008


Ever see classmates at the store that you never really talked to in school? I was not the most popular gal in school, but I did try to be friendly to everyone. I guess it's kinda hard to have a friendship with everyone when the graduating class was over 600 students.

Earlier I saw a guy I never spoke to. He gave me the look like he recognized me. I wanted to say hi, but he looked down right away. It looked like he was with his wife. You know that there is someone for everyone out there right? Let's just say I'm glad he found someone. I quickly prayed that he was happy with his family.

Now that I'm older and wiser. I wish I would have made a bigger attempt to speak to the shy and quiet people. Sometimes these people stay behind and feel they can't do much. There are times when certain words of encouragement may make a difference in a person's life. I don't know what I could have told them then, but I do now. Anyways, I always say little prayers for when I see someone that I never spoke to and still don't. I wish happiness upon everyone and that the Lord may bless them. Just as the Lord has and is blessing me.


juan said...

I do that also, until I saw some one @ one of mikes baseball game & Jesus told me to give him a tract & invite him to church. I fought withit for a while then the game finished & I went up to him he was pretty good about it but he never came to church. But I did my part I gave him the Gospel

tsh said...

I know how you feel. It is always a struggle to reach out to others for Christ. Part of this is because we tend to fear what people think. Another thing is that giving the gospel is a spiritual battle and often we try to fight with our strength rather that the strength we have in Christ. As Christians, we need to be in tune with the Spirit of God and prepared to share with others so that our Lord can shine through us whenever it is His time! Thanks for the encouragement to reach out.

LUCY said...

This was a good blog. You know there is a feeling i get when i see someone just sad looking or hurting. It happens alot to me with the elderly.You wish you could hug them tell them everything is going to be okay, that God loves them.Wish I had the courage to just do that evertime I got that feeling.