Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hanging out with the ANIMALS...

I accompanied Allyson and her little classmates on their field trip today. We went to the Glady's Porter Zoo. We had fun and thank God it wasn't that hot. She was paired up with Gabriela. Gabriela was a little more daring than Ally. Skyla did not want to touch any animals! But her little friend touched several animals, including a snake!!!! Not even I dared touch that one. Time went by so fast, I feel we didn't even get to see all the animals. It also felt good being out of work for a day. I'm grateful for my job, but a day off during the week is nice.

After the zoo we went to eat at Peter Piper Pizza. My sister-in-law was also there because my niece was also eating there. Hailey had gone to the Art Museum. The girls got to play together :) My sister-in-law paid for my lunch, awe, how nice. (Buffet...2 for the price of 1, hee hee)

After being in the sun and eating, mommy had to go cool down at a place called "Sunrise Mall." The End.


juan said...

didn't josie's mom own a restaurant in san bene, Taco Jardin or something like that, maybe Im thinking of someone else.

Adriana Sujey said...

@ Juan, yes, her mom owns Taco Jardin and Vicky's in San Benito.

Mack005 said...

? Where did mom leave da kids while cool'n down *smile* jst kidn ya its seems a wonderful thing to do, shud take a dayoff nd take da kids out...