Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Be A Man!

Abel told me to be a MAN this morning :( Why? Because I am NOT to fond of reptiles! I went to the sink this morning and there was a darn Lizard there. GAAARRROSSSS!!! I stepped back right away and yelled for Abel. I did not care that he was in his office (10-100, 200?). He was yelling at me to wait and I kept yelling at him to hurry up and come to the kitchen!!!! I felt like crying :*(

The stupid thing was kinda albino with a little pink, EWE!!!!! It was trying to climb out of the sink..... I was trying not to look, but when Abel finally came, he couldn't see it!!!! So I looked and it had already made it to the other side of the sink! Meanwhile, I'm making all these whining noises, or retarded noises as Abel called them.

I picked up Adrian and jumped on the sofa while Abel was attempting to murder it, EWE!!! He told me "It doesn't want to die!" Ay, Ay, Ay! Finally he tells me to open the door quickly, AS IF I wanted to!!! I did and that was the end of that. :P Abel told me I should've been a man and killed it, I don't think so!


Memories... said...

LOL, your such a girly girl!!!! I would had done the same thing!!!! LOL

That's why we're girls and they're boys......

Sal said...

my dad calls those "encuerados"


i hate roaches!!

juan said...

LOL, that was funny

@ J, just squish them they pop, he he

Adriana Sujey said...

@ Jenny, Girls Rule!
@ Sal, I hate encuerados! Blah!
Ay Juan, you had to mention that! EWE!!! Then the white little stuff is all over the floor, GAARROSSS!! (I get chills!) Blah and Blah!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I H-A-T-E lizards, too!!!
At least Abel was home!