Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Smile

Greetings, This is Sal from Adri asked me to fill in for her today since she isn't able to blog tonight and hasn't blogged since Friday.

I have never guest blogged before so I have just been thinking about Adri and her passed blogs and more importantly the title of her Blog. :) Adriville SmiLeS!!

If people were to describe Adri I am sure one of the first things they will say about her is that she is always smiling.

That is hard to find these days but yet so many people are looking for smiling, cheerful people. When people go out shopping, eating, or things of that nature we always want good, friendly service, so we always look to get the happy waiter, waitress, cashier, etc. And more often then not, the way to find those people is to look for that smile. Even on the telephone we can tell who is friendly or not because a smile can even travel through the phone.

Thinking about writing this blog had me trying to remember how or when I first met and became friends with Adri. The thing is, I can't remember. I believe its because from the get go she is nice and friendly. So I can't think of the moment that our acquaintanceship turned into a friendship.

With me on the other hand, people always tell me when they knew I was a nice guy instead of the mean guy that I project. You see, I am the opposite of Adri. I am not always cheery nor smiling. Especially in the mornings. I have recently come to realize that this image I project delays friendships and relationships because it takes time for people to know that I really am cheerful and friendly.

At one time, I was into reading books like A Road Less Traveled and How To Win Friends and Influence People and they devoted whole chapters to first impressions and how smiling affects that impression.

So we all got a lot to learn about this Smiling thing Adri does. Well, at least I do anyway.

1 comment:

Adriana Sujey said...

Thank you so much for backing me up Sal. What color of lifesaver would you like to be? It is my pleasure to ditribute SMILES throughout the day :) makes people wonder what ur up to?