Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Igpay Atinlay!

Isthay ogblay isay especiallyay orfay omesay iendsfray inay aymondvilleray, exastay. Enwhay Iay asway orkingway atay SCF, eythay oughttay emay owhay otya eakspay ikelay isthay. Itay asway unfay!! Iay on'tday owknay owhay uchmay Iay ancay itewray ecausebay itsay otnay atthay easyay. Ellohay otay everyoneay atthay owsknay atwhay Iay amay ayingsay!!! Abelay anday Iay avehay adhay unfay eakingspay ikelay isthay. Ouyay ouldshay tryay itay!! C-ya'll later!!!! :)


Sal said...

didnt i tell you that speaking in tongues wasnt biblical...hehe...

anyway, sadly, even without training, i was able to read all that.

good way to keep secrets from the kids ay?

Memories... said...

ok Adri, being that I don't have a lot of time to make out what you just said, you'll probably have to tell me what you just wrote.... crazy.....

DeeDee said...


juan said...


juan said...

OK I think I won't. i'll stick to english or when we want to talk about something infront of the kids we speak spanish. But mike is picking it up now.

DeeDee said...

Ok I got it now, but I took awhile. I also think that I'll stick to english, its much easier!

Adriana Sujey said...

OK, I wrote in PIG LATIN. You all are very SMART!! Once you get the hang of it, it's fun!! It is a way to keep secrets from the kids! It took me a while before I understood it. You drop the consonants before the vowels, put them at the end and add "AY." If the word starts with vowel, just add "ay" at the end!!