Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ta Loco!!!!!!

On Friday, July 11, 2008 we traveled all the way to the Dodge Arena. Ay si, muy lejos!! Anyways, it was my first time there. The Famous George Lopez was performing!! We bought the tickets long long time ago and the day finally came! In alphabetical order... here are the ones that went.... Abel, Ariel, Belia, Jennifer, ME, and Nacho! Before George came out, some other comedian came out. I bet he was funny, we just couldn't understand him though!! The audio was messed up or something. I was getting a little worried, I was hoping that we could understand George. And sure enough, George was very clear. Just sitting here typing, I get a huge smile.... he is so funny! Poor Abel and Ariel, I was sitting between them laughing and laughing!! Don't ask me to repeat any jokes, porque sabes que, I don't remember them and I just mess it up when I try to say one. But little things here and there remind me, and I start to laugh out of the blue. I DIDN'T sneak in my camera ;) Somehow I got a little video. Aver si jala?

We had such a great time!! My throat was hurting the next morning and my voice was sounding different on Sunday morning. George knows how to hit the nail on the head!! He touched a little on how we didn't have toys, lunch-a-bles, playstations, wii's, and baby monitors back then. Nombre, he was more than hilarious!! I'm very happy we were able to go!!! And if I could go again..... I would :D

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