Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just 32 :)

Today 32 years ago, my hunny bunny was born :) I still wasn't born, but he was getting a head start :) He was born in Freemont, OHIO. We started the day by having breakfast at a local mexican restaurant. We all ate good, mmm, tortillas de harina! Then we stopped by his mom's house before we went to Brownville.

This day felt so good for all of us!! We (no kiddoes) later went to the movies. We went to see "Dark Knight" aka Batman. I enjoyed the movie! It was fun, exciting, loud, and you get the point. Afterwards, we went to go pick up the kids, ate some banana split cake his mom made, and then picked up some What-a-burger! At about 10:00 p.m., I finally had a chance to bake his cake! He doesn't mind, because he knows we've been busy all day long.

For some reason, he seems to be like wine. "The older the better" :D I LOVE YOU BABY!! Oh, you can see he liked his present, he is sporting his shades in the first pic....


juan said...

Happy birthday to Abel

Sal said...

shoulda took him to Texas Roadhouse to make him get on the saddle!!