Monday, May 12, 2008

Controversial T-Shirt

I bought this T-shirt a couple of months ago. I think it's cool and I like it. Well, Abel doesn't like it. Once I tried wearing it when I was going to hang out with the girls, but he made me change! It made me laugh, and I didn't put up a fight, I changed. No biggie. He said that if he'd see a nice looking girl wearing a shirt like that, he'd think "Hey, she likes to have fun!" So, of course I told the girls what happened.

Two weeks ago or so, the children and I went to watch the De La Joya fight at Eric's house. I wore my shirt, because I wasn't going out anywhere, it was a house we were going to. The funny part was that the girls that new the story about my t-shirt went also. As soon as they saw me, they said "You wore the shirt!" Abel was out of town, hee hee. But that's not why I wore it!

Anyways, tonight I wore it to go to the grocery store. The male cashier asked me "So girls just want to have fun huh?" This is the second time my shirt gets pointed out. I can't help but think of Abel and his thoughts and I then get a huge smile on my face. I got home and told him about it. The looks he was giving me were funny!!! It's just a t-shirt! But if he doesn't like it, too BAD...... Just kidding hun! Maybe he should just buy me a shirt to replace this one? Or else I'll wear another one he is afraid of, the "I'm late" one. (I used this shirt mainly TWICE, to let him know we were prego) Pick one hun............


Sal said...

funny shirt Cindy Lauper!

Adriana Sujey said...

Speaking of Cindy Lauper... Some friends and I danced "Girls just want to have fun" in an elementary talent show...and we WON 1st place! Whoo hoo!!