Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Abel's Mini-Wallbangers

Babel made a yummy yummy burger last night! It was made out of fresh ground beef. He added his own special combination of seasonings. So, when he had his first bite, he said "Que Wallbanger's?" I only tasted it, and boy, it was good! I had fish for dinner last night. BUT tonight..........mmmm I had something else. I can't say what because then I will be busted with the in-laws...Belia reads my blog. Then the Y-Barras will ask why we didn't invite them over. Ooops, did I just bust myself? Nah, they know we love'em!

So, tonight we watched the Ultimate Fighting Championship. I only saw a few fights, but I got to see Matt Hamil fight. My mom was at my house and she was getting all into it also! She was making me laugh! I was rooting for Matt and he kicked boote'. Abel could hear me yelling all the way outside. Matt Hamil is a deaf mute fighter but he can fight! Well, he speaks a little, but it's hard to understand him. Go Matty!


Anonymous said...

DUDE that burger looked goooooood . why didnt yall invite me over . you guys know how much I like burgers .

Sal said...

those buns do look wallbangerish..

juan said...

Blasphemy, in the name of Wall bangers, lol, so whats up with the Dora the Explorer, plate , (boots)the monkey, so sad I know who that is, hey I have kids.
Anyways, as a mojo would say, when are we going to try Abels Burgers???
HEHE, Wallbangers Baby.