Monday, February 25, 2008


Wii got it! The Nintendo Wii that is! Nombre, Ally is so excited! We got it yesterday on Sunday. It all started like this....

I got a phone call from my brother -in-law...IgNacho on Sunday morning, about 8:15 am. He asked me if Ihad already gone to Target. Of course I had not, and I was wondering why he was asking me? Anyways, I don't think he sleeps on Saturday nights just waiting to see the ads on Sunday! He loves to get deals! Which is not a bad thing, because we benefit aswell. So, he said that Target was advertising the Wii. He said that meant that they had to have some in stock! We had already been looking around, and had not found any.

By 8:30 a.m I was on my way...and I bought it! Thank God it already comes with some games, because they are expensive! I can't wait to test out all the neat things it is capable of doing. I would like to buy the Mario Cart game that is coming out next month, and also another one that has to do with excercise.


LUCY said...

cool adri, but most important how much was it and do you think they still have some? if not can i go over? kidding.

Adriana Sujey said...

It was regular price $249.99 and I just called, they're all gone! Soooo...come over and play! Let's bowl, but then again, you won't be able to do your signature move! We'll figure something out! You should come over, whenever. :)

Sal said...

Wii party at Adris!!

that cool adri. i hear good things about the Wii. :-)