Thursday, January 31, 2008


Just when I think I’m doing better, I slip! Since I got my associates degree in Health Information and passed my national exam, I am obligated to obtain continuing education hours. I am to submit 20 hours every 2 years. Today was the deadline to submit those hours. And when did Adri do it? Today. I was still looking for necessary paperwork today! Que nina! I can’t stand it when I do that! Oh well, enough of that.

Today I bought Abel his Valentine’s Day card. I can’t wait to give it him. I love it, but he might not! Hee Hee! I’ll tell you about the card in 14 days.

Yesterday I took Adrian to the doctor. All was fine, I guess he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He was fussy all day long. Anyways, while at the office, the triage nurse noticed that I had lost some weight. (Yes, I’m talking about this weight loss thing again! I’m sorry, it’s just that it was funny to me!) Usual questions came up, what are you doing? What are you taking? In how long? Soooooooo….I get taken into the room, I’m waiting for about 30 minutes, when I hear a knock at the door….I think to myself…”finally, the doc is here.” WRONG….it was the triage nurse w/5 other nurses! She had been bragging about me and she wanted to show me off! I got so embarrassed. But then I liked it! LOL! I went ahead and gave the nurse a copy of my menu. I always carry it in my purse! The doctor saw and heard the commotion and asked the nurses that who was there? They replied “a patient.” Needless to say, they split, like when you turn on the light and all the roaches leave?

When the doc finally did come in, he asked me, “So are you the one that everyone was in here looking at?” I had no choice but to tell him, “duh, isn’t it obvious!” WHATEVER! JUST KIDDING! I told him yes and why they were in the room with me, he told me that I should be proud of myself then. Which I am! Ok, Okay, enough about me!

Bueno, y como se dice en espanol....Hasta manana, si diosito quiere!


Sal said...

ah, adri that was so funny.

it was like i was there with the way you describe

great story teller!!

LUCY said...

I'm so happy for you Adri and especially glad that people notice and make you feel good. You deserve it for all the hard work you have put into it.

Memories... said...

procrastinator, procrastinator, procrastinator.... I'm the same way and yup I hate that about me too...

Enjoy all the compliments... the next time Dr. Rama asks me to modle for him I'm gonna tell him to pick you... get ready!!!