Thursday, August 23, 2007

Finally registered for kindergarden!!!!!

Don't you hate being a procrastinator??????? I do, but I don't learn my lesson. I "berly" registered Ally for school! Just two days short of school starting. That's not good!! Every year I tell things on time!! I have gotten better @ some things though.

As soon as I entered the elementary school, I got very nervous. I got nervous because she belongs to another school, but this school is way more convenient due to child care after school. When I sat down with the secretary, my legs began to shake. The more paperwork she gave me, the more my legs would shake (ON THEIR OWN!) or as we call it in BELLY DANCING, my legs were doing the "shimmy" on their own. My purse was bouncing! I figured for sure this lady was going to bust me!!! I was hoping she would not ask me for the address out loud, but she did! I don't have it memorized, because I don't ever use it. I managed to say it but, I left out a little something which she didn't catch (I think??) Bottom line______ I survived!! I walked out of there weak, of so much leg exercise. I'm serious, if you ask me to show you how fast my legs were moving, I couldn't do it!!


Sal said...

i was just talking about this stuff with the other Sujey. That i remember my first day of Pre K. I really did not want to be there. I was crying and I remember sitting in some shelf /locker thing. I remember a girl to but i dont know what she said or did. Probably laughed at me.

Someone must have then called my dad because he showed up and picked me up and old Griswall station wagon we had. I jumped in and never went back!

On my first day of kinder all I remember is that I had to go 10-200 and they had the rest room in the room. Wierd.

Adriana Sujey said...

You must have great memory!!! I can not remember a day in pre-k or kinder, 1st, 2nd, maybe a little of 3rd (due to a cute little boy)!!! So, you were a drop out?

Sal said...

my memory is not that great but that is when my hatred for school started.

in kinder i remember we had a good looking teachers aide. i think i even remember looking down her shirt? man, that is so wrong.

and yes, i was a pre-k dropout. dont tell our boss,