Monday, August 30, 2010

I just want to flip the switch....and LOCK it!

From time to time I am able to switch the will power ON!! Willpower to be healthier and exercise. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that it is a better life style to be a healthier individual. So WHY don't I do what it takes? That is the question! I am fortunate enough to know the secret ( i know it's hard to believe...hehe). Lots of people don't know how or what to do to lose weight. Or just don't think it is possible. I KNOW it is possible, yet I don't roll out my plan.

I've started to walk with a friend. I told her that hopefully my brain & stomach & mouth will follow the routine as well. I get to a point that I wish I could be taking pills or something! I know they are horrible! Don't worry family & friends, I wouldn't dare do that. I've heard too many horror stories with them pills. Besides, my husband would kill me if I'd pop any of those things into my system.

I am writing about this in search of that darn switch..... I know i can!


Adriana Sujey said... que you had found it the May 12th blog? boooo! lol

juan said...

I am also trying to flip that switch, i can eat right all week then the weekend comes, & all that hard work goes out the window. You can do it, you've done it before, JUST DO IT, hehe

Adriana Sujey said...

Well guess what Juan??? The little switch was hidden! BUT i found it!! yay me! I'm good with bets, so we have a little one going on at work.

So tired of holding my breath to tie my shoe laces! Tired of rolling out of bed. Tired of my back hurting! All that shall be gone!! woot woot!! :)