Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Got A Coffee Buzzzzzz

As hyper and alive and happy as I consider myself to be, I never believed that something could make me more hyper! People say chocolate or even COKE have that affect on them.....well, not on me! The other day i was so sleepy at work and my boss offered me some coffee for the umpteenth time. I finally took her up on the offer and she prepared me half a cup. She put 1 hazelnut cream, and 3 packets of sugar. When i took my 1st sip, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i burned my tongue!! So anyways, i was shocked it actually woke me up!!! Too bad it only lasted for 30 minutes. I have to say, it did NOT taste bad. I think I'll go ahead and give it another try in the winter....that stuff is too HOT to be drinking in the summer! And that's how I got a coffee buzz, felt good, hehe....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I found him!!!

I met this guy back in 1994 for the 1st time. Sticks around for a while...then disappears. We lose contact for months, sometimes years! It is always so awesome when we meet and hang for a while. The outcome is always fantastic. The last time we met was in 2008. Well.......last week...on Monday, guess what? I found HIM!!! He is Mr. Power......1st name Will. WILLPOWER!!!!

OH my gosh! Talk about trying to stick to a healthy diet when you have no Willpower!! In just one week, I can tell the difference.....or is it in my head? The brain is so powerful! Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday's I would attempt to eat healthy and I'd fail EVERY TIME! I don't know what switch was flipped on May 3, but I wish I could find a permanent lock to keep it in place!!!

Why must junk food be so delish!? And flour tortillas, and chocolate, and cokes, and etc, etc, etc...

Anyways, here's to a healthier ME!!! I have set some short term weight loss goals....aver que pasa? :)