Sunday, January 4, 2009

Resolutions, Resolutions, Resolutions

Instead, I will say DETERMINED. I have one resolution for this year. I'm not sure, but I think I have mentioned it before, AVOID BEING A PROCRASTINATOR. I feel if I can accomplish that, mostly everything shall fall into place.

I would also like to say "I accomplished ____ this year." We live our normal lives from day to day. Compared to others, I know I am blessed and I do not use all that I have to be more successful. I don't only mean career wise, it has to do with everything. There are so many people that are less fortunate than us, yet they accomplish more than us? I am not in competition, jealous, or envious. The way I am proud of anyone that accomplishes something they thought they couldn't do, I want to feel proud of myself.

Too many "We should haves!" I think that's what keeps us from moving forward. At least me it does. So here's to a new year! A year of success and accomplishments.

To end this on a happy note. I am a very PROUD mommy and wife!! Love you guys!! MUAH!!! Happy endings do exist. (We just saw BEDTIME STORIES today, it is good :)


Sal said...

im a procrastinator also. i tell you more about it later.

juan said...

I think you hit it on the nose with the to many "should Haves" good blog, heres to a blessed year.

DeeDee said...

lol @sal
and i'm that way too, but change is hard! :)

Adriana Sujey said...

@ Sal, I don't get it, why can't you tell me now? JK lol
@ Juan, AMEN to that! Here's to a blessed year :D
@ DeeDee, si se puede! :)
I can't believe I totally forgot to mention that I would like to exercise my FAITH this year also!

LUCY said...

Im not much of a resolutionist, but we'll see