Thursday, December 18, 2008

What's up with my LEG???

For a while now, ever so often, my leg cramps up REALLY bad. Something like a Charlie's Horse. "A charlie horse is an uncontrollable muscle contraction, or cramp, in the leg or the foot." Gosh, does it hurt!! So much that I can't walk!!

It happened today after dinner. I did a squat to tie Adrian's shoe lace and after I was done, he took off running to catch up to daddy and Skyla. Boy did my leg cramp up! It was hard for me to get up! I got up, and was hoping Abel would come back to rescue me. All I could do was stand by the table, crack up, and endure the pain. I kept picturing Abel's reaction because I would not come out of the restaurant. I stayed inside for well over 8 minutes! And my family? Waiting in the car :(

The waiter(s) were looking at me like "are you alright ma'am?" or "crazy lady!" Our waiter offered to call Abel, and I said "Nah, he'll come back" Then he started cracking up with me (I hope).

Finally….. I was able to slowly walk out side, with my pain and all. Abel real cool, sitting, waiting in the car. Then when he sees me, he's kinda getting mad at me. Telling me "Hurry up!" I start to laugh again, so he thinks I'm joking! He starts telling me "Quit acting!" "No te hagas!" I couldn't walk!!! Anyways, I got in the car and told him my story. He thought I had stayed behind talking to someone or that I had gone to the RR.

Tonight's episode has been the worst and the longest lasting. I guess I will have to get it checked by an MD. Another episode happened during lunch, Christi thought she was being punked into paying for Sal's and my lunch. She was at the register(looking around for us) and we were at the table. Sal was trying to help me. I believe I was also laughing. For some weird reason, that pain makes me laugh?

P.S. When we got home, Abel did apologize. He was more helpful :) I had to sit for a long time.


DeeDee said...

LOL, typical male! I know what you mean when you say about having the pain, but yet laughing, I guess its better than crying.

juan said...

I LLOL, sorry for your pain will pray for you though