Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mis Quince :)

Young, young, young. I still remember practicing for the big day. Everyone would come over to my parents house. It was fun!

I was finally able to wear make-up and my dad finally gave me permission to dance!! Now a days, girls start wearing make-up really young!! We'll see how we do it with Ally.

Looking at the pictures tonight took me back. I had even forgotten who all was part of the court. I was able to blog this tonight thanks to my little brother. He looked for my album at my mom's and brought it over. I did not get to post a picture of him because he was too busy that night getting his head caught in between cabinets under the stage! I did see some pictures of my little sister, but I knew I would get in big trouble if I would post any of those :P


Sal said...

wait a minute. that didnt look like Abel in white!? lol

cool blog, and I bet you were waiting all month to blog this :)

cool blog

Anonymous said...

thank you! thank you! thank you!
for not displaying my retarded pictures!!! LOL!!! :D


juan said...

wow the 80's hair how did you get that dew in the limo, watche el copete, i remeber those days like every other weekend in one of those dances, lots of memories

Adriana Sujey said...

@ Sal, that was Abel, with long hair! Do a close up! LOL... just kidding.
@ Sister, I know you already! Love ya!
@ Juan, "El Copete" popular then, embarrassing now :P I would fix it a whopping 5 inches high!