Thursday, October 9, 2008

.....Cloud 9......

I went to cloud 9 today.  I don't usually look up at the sky.  Always so busy, focused on what is going on down here.  Today I realized that taking a few moments to enjoy and appreciate the wonders around us can be pleasing.  Even though we might have to come back down from that cloud.  But for that moment, nothing can bring you down.  

I could say I had several Cloud 9 moments today. I would think about my pictures and I was right back up there.  So much is going on at work, glad that I was able to focus on something else as well.  As I say focus, I am also reminded of a person we need to focus on a daily basis to continue receiving blessings.  :D 

I had to grab my camera and snap these shots.  Immediately I knew these pictures would end up on my blog today.    I think the clouds looked beautiful this morning.  

P.S. hAPPy bIRTHdaY digiSalbangers!


LUCY said...

It is beautiful :)

DeeDee said...

Nice pictures Adri. Isn't God wonderful?! The wonderful things he created just for us :)

Adriana Sujey said...

Yup, he is so wonderful!!