Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Can We Budget?

Lately we have been so excited about purchasing a home. It all started June 11th. We saw a home for the first time on that day. By the next day, I was at a mortgage place. We got approved! Although we had to turn that home down because our payments were going to be too much. The one good thing that came out of that was that it opened our eyes and the doors to hopefully getting a home, a cheaper one. We had never made any type of attempt. We'd always be saying "Someday" "Someday".... We didn't know that someday would be this soon. It is fun!

We already have our eye on a home here in San Benito, on Bonham street(behind Dolly Vinsant Hosp). Please pray that everything works in our favor. A well built home, a great price, good negotiating, very affordable payments, sturdy income to pay for it all, and for it to become our warm cozy home one day :)I have told the Lord that it is up to him. If this is not the one that is meant for us, we will keep looking. We just ask for his guidance.

Back to budgeting.... I will try my hardest to budget. I know it will be easier for Babel than for me. I tried my best tonight. I went to Wal-Mart with a list of 3 things to purchase. (Patting myself on the back) I purchased only those 3. Maybe I can do thing budgeting thing? I was so proud of myself! Because I always manage to walk out with alot more than what I needed. I was focused and did not wonder around.

OH, and in preparation of our move. We have started to clean out as much as possible. Hopefully we will hear something this week. We should be meeting with the realtor and the mortgage lady again. Please pray for us, I appreciate it.


DeeDee said...

Now when it comes to budgeting, that's me! Just don't spend money on anything you don't need, which would be everything! lol, I'm so happy for you guys, and yeah let the Lord guide you with this cuz this is a big decision, and if you need help moving let us know ok?!

scavazos said...

I will pray that everything goes in your favor. It always helps to budget when you have a goal and a list. I found that going to Wal-Mart with a list is very smart as you know exactly what you're going for. Good luck!

Jean Kincaid said...

WOW Adri, this is so exciting. I've very happy for you. Que bueno noticias!!!!

juan said...

@ Adri, wow thats pretty cool, & exciting, will be praying for you, & @ gramma, buenas. he he. I now someone in the moving business.

Adriana Sujey said...

Thank you everyone!! We are still in the process. Thank ya'll for your prayers.