Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pants, Pants, and more Pants....

I had a great time during lunch yesterday. The B.O. Manager at work...we shall call her Pat, has dropped some weight. "What is up with all this losing weight!?!?" Just kidding, it's awesome! We all get to share clothes now. The then skinny now skinner get to pass it to the then chunky now smaller. Got it? Get it? Good! Soooooo, Pat had some pants that did not fit her anymore. She let me take them home to choose which ones I wanted. Which I took home for lunch. Forget the lunch, I was having a blast trying on smaller size pants!!! I couldn't believe my eyes!! They would actually fit!! I kept 6 of the 11. Thanks Pat!! You keep on taking out clothes! Now I need to shop for tops!!


LUCY said...

Wow that would be my kind of shopping. Free and rewarding all at the same time.

Sal said...

i felt bad today. i was sitting next to Pam in the lounge and I ate two BK burgers and cheeto puffs while she ate a Salad...

but hey, thats cool. stay healthy.

i dont know if i could wear someone elses clothes though....

Adriana Sujey said...

@Lucy, well I did pay a little, but I got great deals!!!