Friday, January 11, 2008

Lost a baby..........toooooth!

Can you believe I still had a baby tooth? It never fell! It was so embarrassing! Nah, just kidding! My little darling Ally's 1st tooth fell today!! My sister-in-law Belia called me to work after she picked up the girls from school. She gave me the cute news! "Ally lost her tooth!" I got so excited!!! Then Bel repeats, "No, she literally lost her tooth!" fell during lunch and she put it away in her lunch box. Then a curious little classmate girl friend asked to see it....Ally took it out, dropped it, and lost it!!!! Apparently, she cried at that point. My chiquita!! Tia Bel did a good job of calming her down. Then I talked to Ally on the phone and we made a plan for tonight. She has made a note to place under pillow tonight! Soon she will be losing another bottom tooth, I see it kinda wiggly!


Rob said...

do you do the Tooth fairy thing to your kids .. The last time I put a tooth under my pillow and wake up with a dollar under there was a long time ago , like when I was 27 or 28 yrs old. hehe

Adriana Sujey said...

@Rob...LOL!! Ally actually got $10 from the tooth fairy!!!! Can u believe it? I never ever ever knew about a tooth fairy!!!

Sal said...

10 dollars? yikes. thats like 9.95 more than what mine were worth!!