Thursday, October 25, 2007

Patience My Child

Even before my hunny and I had children, I learned that you MUST have patience with them. I had witnessed many parents ignoring their children out of frustration or just because they didn't have time for them. Since I was the spectator, I could see what the child was needing or was trying to say to mommy or daddy. Most of the time all the child needed was a simple answer or was in one way or another trying to help mommy/daddy. For example, at the grocery store...child keeps saying "Mommy, mommy, look, look!" And of course the parents were too busy to pay attention or were already mad, and all the child was trying to say was that the next register was empty! I almost lost my patience tonight!! I was in the bedroom with our children, trying to put them to sleep. Allyson kept talking and talking. It was almost 10:00 p.m. on a school night........ She kept asking questions???? On her last comment, I was ready to say "YAAAAAA!!!" BUT, I kept my cool and asked her "What mamita?" She told me, we forgot to pray! I asked God to forgive me and she prayed. It's like I heard one day "WERE OUR CHILDREN SENT TO US SO WE COULD TEACH THEM OR SO THAT WE COULD LEARN FROM THEM?"


Sal said...

cuz you never know if they are just going to say Hi like in that video you posted once.

good blog adri. ill remember this when and if i have children.

Adriana Sujey said...

Sal, you will remember this later, and I'm sure you will have little Yates of your own.

Sal said...

my dad was 32 when i was born.

so theyre saying i have a chance!