Friday, October 12, 2007

Pack Rat

Slowly but surely, I am changing my ways. I'm still am a pack rat, but I can't stand it!! And neither can my husband. I am trying to ask myself, "If I leave this paper here for 1 month, what will I do with it at the end of the month?" Throw it away? More than likely, YES!! SO, I am making the decision of throwing it away TODAY!! In a way, it is funny sometimes. I know what I have and where I have it. One day my husband told me he had made a copy of a movie for his friend @ work, no biggie. BUT, BUT, later that day, I was looking for an orange card stock paper I had in our computer desk. I had written some important info for one of my uncles. Well guess what? I couldn't find it!!! I had just seen it there during the weekend. So I asked Abel if he had seen it or had gotten it?? Of course, he said "NO." I kept looking....and I asked Abel again....same answer....NO!! I explained to him that I really needed it!! I started to put two and two together.... movie?? orange paper?? HUH???? Coincidence?? I think not!! I dared ask my man again....He finally went to his mustang and gave me the orange paper!!!! AHA!!! I knew it!!!! He got so mad because he said that the paper had been there for months, untouched or unacknowledged by me, BUT, BUT, the day he got it, I needed it!!!! It was so hilarious to me!!! Did I laugh @ his reaction!! This is not the first time it happens either!!

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